Posted by Vanessa Fouché, COO/Founder of Project Twins (31 Jan. 2015)
Dear Project Twin Supporters and World Trade Center supporters
I am Vanessa Fouché, COO/Founder of The Twin Towers Project, or simply known as "Project Twins".
I am posting here on a personal note.
As you have may heard, our 3D designer and I, are on Temporary leave do to personal issues.
Please note: Our organization will not cease operations. We will continue to provide renderings and ideas for new and safer Twin Towers, and to create a fan base and foundation for our organization so we can petition this together to the PANYNJ.
My amazing other, Andy (Architect/3D designer for Project Twins) and I will be back online soon to continue our work in rebuilding the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, stronger, and safer.
In the mean time, our other coordinators will be available to answer your questions about Twin Towers II and Project Twins...
God bless!
~Fouché (and on behalf of my amazing other, Andy)